Monday, November 29, 2010

Monkey in my roommate's car

Last night around 10:15 p.m., I left my house to pick up my roommate from work. I got in the White Hornet (the car), started the four cylinders of fury, put on my specs ...I turned the headlights on as well, but I can't remember where it fits into the order of things... then proceeded to back out of the driveway. When I stopped at the end of the street, a creature of some sort jumped from the back seat, on to the passenger side head rest, then jumped straight out of the passenger side window. I didn't see it scurry off anywhere, it just kinda vanished. At first I thought the only logical explanation was that it was El Chupacabra, but when I arrived at my roommate's place of employment, I noticed a McDonald's bag that I left in there a few hours before was tore up with teeth or claw marks all over it. It was a monkey, I'm sure of it. Also, I moved to Ft. Myers, FL. to a house that is haunted by an old guy named Dan.

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